
Showing posts from March, 2019

The Final Blog

Day 13: The Finale of 2k19 Tanzania Trip             We were told to sum up the ENTIRE trip, so we’ll see how this goes…             When we first arrived in Tanzania we were shy with each other and those we met. However as the days went on, we quickly grew closer and became friends with David and Juma and many others we met. Adjusting to the ‘pole pole’ lifestyle was difficult at first and required a lot of patience, but soon we grew to appreciate some of its aspects. Late night chats on the roof and early morning grogginess brought us together. We cannot imagine this trip with any other group of people.             Manual labor was hard. The first day of manual labor we were overwhelmed by the task at hand: manually digging a 6 ft. deep hole with only shovels. We soon learned that the best strategy for digging the hole was to loosen up the dirt with hoes and pick-axes, then digging up the loosened dirt with shovels. Communicating with the mamas was a challenge, many

One More Blog plus read this PARENTS

Hello, Your kids are amazing!  It was the healthiest group ever and they did an amazing job of keeping two feet in Africa.  You should know that for some the reintegration back to their life in the USA is a little tough at first.  For example, these kids began the experiencing wondering what time it was and ended it by wondering what day it is. They have learned a lot and changed a bit. Be patient with this new wondrous person returning home. I can almost guarantee several tardies at school this week.  It is what it is. DO NOT FORGET TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD FROM THE AIRPORT! We arrive on Delta 161 from Amsterdam arriving at MSP at 1:49 PM. Please don't be late.  Park and come in and greet us! The kids are excited to see you. Thank you for allowing your child to join me on this amazing journey.  Peace and God bless, Baba Dick

Blog 12 - Safari!

Wildlife Safari             We started our first day of safari with a breakfast at 7:30. We had eggs, toast, pancakes, and fruit. We left in our separate cars and stopped at the bank soon after. After a few of us got the money we needed, 3 out of the 4 cars stopped at a market for snacks and a bathroom break. Then we all made our way to a gift shop in Arusha. A few of us bought tanzanite and other souvenirs. After we picked out our gifts we got in our cars and made our way to the entrance gates of the safari. We pulled over in a parking lot inside the gate for a bathroom break and for lunch. For lunch they made us some butter and carrot sandwiches along with some banana and oranges, and of course, chicken. Then we all loaded back into the cars and made our way to the safari trail. As soon as we got on the trail we saw baboons and other monkeys. As we navigated around the safari trail, some of the highlights were giraffes, elephants, and zebras. There were also so


We leave in 10 minutes for safari and will not post again until Monday.

Blog 11 - visit to the Mama's homes

Day 11 Hello all, we hope everything is going well back home. Everything is going smoothly here. We were sad today because we had to say goodbye to many people that have become our friends. It was our last day working at the schools and women’s group.             In the morning most people woke up around 7:20 for a breakfast scheduled at 7:30. However, not everybody was ready at the planned time, therefore, breakfast started a couple minutes late. Breakfast included pancakes, toast, eggs, bananas, and papayas. Some of the eggs were coated in salt making them taste bad and difficult to swallow. While eating breakfast, everybody got to choose where they said their goodbyes. Ashlea choose St. Louis and Ben picked Upendo. Each group left around 8:30 for their destination.             While Ashlea was walking to St. Louis she was looking forward to seeing a girl named Beatrice who is in P3: the equivalent to third grade. When Ashlea arrived she went straight to th

Blog 10 - A Day in Our Life

Day 10 Ironically, it was Allison and Andrea’s day to blog, but we both ended up staying at the lodge because we weren’t feeling the best. Don’t worry though, we’re both feeling a lot better! Instead of having to redo the whole blogging schedule, Baba Dick told us to just write about anything we wanted. We’ve decided to enlighten you all on what we feel hasn’t been shared through everyday stories.             For starters, the lodge. We want to give everyone a better idea on what our temporary home is. The Royal Lodge is probably a lot nicer than what you would expect. We’re all in rooms of three, each room having their own bathroom. The rooms are simple but they do the job. Our bathrooms have their own luxurious toilet which we never realized how much we’d come to appreciate. Our showers, although they are sometimes quite chilly, feel amazing after a hard days work. The rooms make up the perimeter of the lodge and there is a “commons” area in the middle. This